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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Retirement for Indian Politicians?

Couple of days back I was just thinking about our Indian Government and  its machinery. I felt confused over a couple of aspects in our daily life. First thing that came to my mind was about the retirement system for public sector employees to that of politicians. Government thinks a person who is 60yrs old must retire and enjoy his rest of life with his family. Government provides pension,gratuity,retirement benefits etc., But then why doesn't the same be applied to our elite politicians? They are also old, they can also enjoy the benefits as ex-parliamentarians and ex-members of assembly, they can also serve as advisers providing their valuable suggestions whenever required. I see some advantages to this:
a) The younger educated generation will  come ahead to contribute their services.
b) Young generation brings young blood and new ideas.
c) Seniority in Politics can be used where older generation can  teach younger generation.
since analysis would be required lets see what are the disadvantages:
a) Losing active services of experienced politicians.
b) cost of their post retirement benefits on exchequer.
But i can support these disadvantages too.
Losing avtive services of experienced politicians is i believe a dumb word today. Our present politicians are all above 60's couldn't handle a situation like RamLila and Baba Ramdev agitations intellectually. Everybody understands how valuable service they have been doing all these years, allocating 2G spectrum licences at cheap prices and the head of the govt does know what his cabinet colleagues are doing, the CWG, and the govt does know what's happening in the Indian capital city, the Maran scam,etc..This shows how incompetent our elected representatives are. Governing us at the cost of ourmoney, eating our hard earned money. Conducting inquries on those charges again at the cost  of our hard earned money even after the highest Investigating agency reports the government with proof. Pitiable that we have no choice but to elect them as our leaders.
Another confusion was regarding the voting age. Government thinks a male person who is 18 years of age cannot get married and that he can't start a family as he is underage to lead a family. But then the same government thinks the same person is eligible to elect a leader for the country who can govern them. How strange are Indian laws? Please comment !!!!!!!!!


Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

It is a pretty difficult task to get a task accomplished in Indian democracy. As I see it,
there has to be enough conviction or enough peoples' power to make the government and parliament move and make a bill.

SM said...

valid points
we need to fix retirement age.

Prashanthi said...

Thank You folks! Indian Politics needs more reforms than Administrative Reforms!!! Lets keep working on it..when time comes we shall circulate the views and try bringing a change. I think we can surely contribute to the cause. Please gothru my other blogposts and let me know ur valuable suggestions.

Mahesh Gandikota said...

I do not see a problem in the voting age. Keeping the age where marriage is allowed higher than the age where voting is allowed is logical. At 18, the person would definitely be knowing the world around him appreciably well to make a good decision for his vote. If marriage too was allowed at 18, then think of the impact on the already bulging population of India. So, the current laws try to keep the population in check. So, bringing down the age where marriage is permissible can be done without. And also increasing the voting age from the current settings too would be bad as it will further decrease youth participation in the machinery of democracy.